About Tex-Edit… Tex-Edit is a handy text editor that includes a built-in text reader! I keep a copy in my Apple menu and an alias on the desktop (for drag-and-drop operations). Tex-Edit is fast, easy-to-use and requires very little memory. It is particularly adept at formatting text which is transmitted to and from a BBS. Tex-Edit requires System version 6.0.7 or newer. If you wish to hear Tex-Edit speak, you should install the Apple’s Speech Manager extension in your Extensions folder (along with any desired voices). The program runs perfectly well without the Speech Manager. Tex-Edit is limited to 32K text files. Extended keyboard functions (‘Home’, ‘End’, etc.), balloon help and ‘Undo’ (for most functions) are supported. Tex-Edit is System 7 compatible, 32 bit clean, 68040 cache compatible, Apple event aware and stationery aware. I used the wonderful THINK Pascal™ compiler and would recommend it to any other novice programmer. The source debugger is excellent. If you would like copies of the Pascal source code, just send a disk (preferably NOT blank) and a self addressed, stamped envelope to: Tom Bender 5313 Beverly Drive San Angelo, Texas 76904 You can also send feedback via modem: America Online: TomBB GEnie: TBBENDER Tex-Edit 1.8.5 (as well as the source code) is released to the public domain. This is not shareware. Also try Eliza, Re-Pete and Azile, hopefully available on a BBS near you!